Message From God To You Murderers

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

You have been killing people for so long that now, taking a human life no longer mean anything to you.

Taking another person's life to you now is fun, you kill all in the name of politics, money and battle for power and position. You take another person's life without even batting an eye.

You forget so easily, the same God who created you also created all the people you have killed. Remember what happened to Cain after he murdered his brother Abel. There was no longer peace for him until the day of his death.

No wonder when people commit murder, their life suddenly become miserable, they no longer experience peace.

See you don't need to be seeing spirits everywhere like it is usually portrayed in some movies, but the life of a murderer is full of troubles, fear of being caught, fear of the unseen, fear of the law, and most times, they are usually caught, either by the law or by guilty conscience, such that they commit suicide or they are even killed by someone else, who has no connection to them at all.

God has sent me to you murderers that you will no longer know peace from today just like Cain did not know peace again from the day he took the life of Abel, God says you will not know peace again except if you repent of your sins now.

What a pity, God says the end is very close for you except if you hearken to Him now and repent of your murderous acts.

Ezekiel 35:6 says, “As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, since you show no distaste for blood, I will give you bloodbath of your own. Your turn has come!

Go says He will deal mercilessly with you and even extend it to your family members, unless you repent of your sins, your killing and murders.

God’s words cannot change, because they are ye and amen. Repent now and be saved.

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