Power of Confession For Dominion

It’s your birthright as God’s child to live a fully victorious life in Christ.

Read God’s word in declaration formats by Pastor Sheyi Daniels; whereby you will be able to speak God’s words to yourself as you read; read over and over to best utilize these declarations until it becomes a part of your subconscious because the power of God’s word is real when it takes root inside you.

Welcome to a new season in your life as God’s word spoken, brings you into undeniable dominion, you are more than a conqueror.

In Hebrews 11:3, the Bible says, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen are not made of the things which are visible. The primary use of word is for creation.

In Genesis 1, we see God using words to create, we see God using words to rearrange things and introduce order. We see God using words to produce new light.

“…and God made man in His image and after His likeness”, so for us the word of God is not only spoken to be heard, but also “spoken to be spoken.”

This is clearly evident in Psalms 103: 20, it says; “Bless the Lord yea His angels that excel in strength, that do His commandments and harkening unto the voice of His word”.

So when you give voice to God’s word, when you make the word of God audible, you get divine activity in motion; that means when you voice out the word of God concerning healing, you will activate supernatural healing, when you speak the word of God concerning wisdom you begin to receive divine supernatural intelligence. When you speak God’s word concerning your marriage it begins to take on, the nature of the words that are being spoken by you.

Jesus was able to handle the devil’s temptations by speaking what was written, every single time.
So when you take what is written and convert it to what is spoken, then you will see the world in amazing dimension.

See, it is not every time you will find a pastor, to pray for you or a fellow believer to agree with you, but God’s word in your mouth, is there with you all the time at every point in time.

Whatever you want to change or improve or stop or establish in your life, it is in your mouth, as you put the word of God to action through your lips.

Many Christians are not seeing great signs because they are not giving our great sounds. Let me tell you, two things happen when you speak the word of God consistently.

No 1: you hear the word of God as you speak it. And faith begins to grow in your heart, because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

No 2: The situation begins to adjust to your confession. The consistency of your confession of God’s word begins to give the situation the ability to comply.

Nothing produces more powerfully as the word of God, but many of us have not been shown how to confess God’s word, because there are two types of ways to confess God’s word.

No 1: is the confession of what God’s word says.

No 2: is the confession of what God’s word shows.

For example: Philippians 4:19; it says, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Now whenever you are faced with a financial situation, for example, you can directly declare that scripture out loud, if you have to pay your children’s school fees and you don’t know what to do, declare that word, speak it to yourself, speak it to the situation, speak it to your own hearing, speak it to your spouse’s hearing.

After all, when Jesus spoke to the fig tree, his disciples heard him and the trees heard him too, so speak it out, speak it out and speak it loudly.

When God spoke to the darkness, and called out light, He spoke it out, so speak the word. Then there is what that scripture shows, and you can also confess what the scripture shows.

For example, that Philippians 4: 19, can be used this way; “My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, therefore my needs are not supplied according to the nature of my job, but by God’s riches. It is God’s ability that guarantees my supplies and not the limitations of my skills, or my expertise, my needs are met by my God, and not by the economic or political climate around me, because my needs are supplied through the riches of God in Christ Jesus.

Therefore, there is no delay, there is no obstruction in the flow of supplies in my life, I am supernaturally provided for, therefore my heart is at peace. And my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord because my God is reliable at all times.

With this little introduction, I believe you are set on this journey of power of confession for favor, you are more than conquerors.

Next >> Confession For Favors/Prosperity (Esther 2:15, Genesis 21:19, Ruth 2:3-5, Daniel 1:8-9, Psalm 44: 3, Deuteronomy 33: 23

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