Reward For Greed & Dishonesty (1 Samuel 8)

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

1 Samuel 8:2 “Joel and Abijah, his oldest sons (Samuel’s sons), held court in Beer-Sheba. But they were not like their father, for they were greedy for money. They accepted bribes and perverted justice.

Just imagine this! The people got fed up of these judges (Samuel sons), just like people today get tired of their leaders, senators, etc and recall them.

1 Samuel 8:4, “Finally all the elders of Israel met at Ramah to discuss the matter with Samuel (their father).

1 Samuel 5, “Look, “they told him, “you are now old and your sons are not like you…” (They were greedy, dishonest, they tell lies, and they cheat). “Give us a king…” they want a new leader, not Samuel’s children, they rejected Samuel’s sons.

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Samuel in the meantime was not happy about the rejection of his sons, so he went to seek the face of the Lord to know what God wants (that’s why you must seek God’s face to choose a leader, every individual should ask God first before they cast a vote to choose a leader, a governor, president. Ask the Lord if your choice, candidate is His wish for the people.

But God told Samuel to do as the people wants, that means God also has rejected those bad leaders (son’s of Samuel)

We must therefore be careful whenever we are holding a public office, people are watching us, let’s not be greedy, let’s not steal public funds, let’s do our work with all diligence, particularly when we hold a public office, we must learn to be servants to the people who voted us there.

Have a great week ahead!

Bible Quote: “For ye know the grace of our LORD, Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich” 2 Corinthians 8:9

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