Tips for Returning to Your Home After a Wildfire

Whether the wildfire directly hits your home or if it’s in the area, you shouldn’t be there while it’s going on. Leaving your home and the area will help you stay safe. And after the fire fades, it’s time to head home. Still, returning to your home after a wildfire may not be the safest option, so you should know all you need to do to ensure you stay safe. In addition to staying safe, with the right knowledge, you can bring your home back to normal.

See if Your Home Is Safe

The first thing to do before getting back and sleeping in your home again is to check to see if everything is safe. There’s likely going to be some damage, and depending on where that damage is, your home could be unsafe. Damage and burns on a piece of furniture are manageable, but damage to your home’s exterior or structural foundation could be a big issue. Before going into your home, check for damage like this, and if you’re unsure, consult with a professional.

Assess the Damage

After making sure your home is safe again, assess the damage you’ve incurred and then figure out your next steps. Damage can come in different severity levels, and while you can ignore some singeing in your backyard, some may be so bad that you need to file an insurance claim.

For example, even if the fire didn’t reach your home, you may have smoke damage, and depending on your policy, you could receive some compensation. You should know that with smoke damage claims, documentation is one of the most important things you need, including keeping medical records. In addition to your home, smoke can damage your body, so assess the damage, gather all this documentation, and file a claim.

Prepare for the Next Disaster

After getting everything in order and settling back into the swing of things, the last thing you want to think of is preparing for another disaster. However, if you want to be safe, you should start planning and prepping your home. Some things are actionable, such as removing dead vegetation from your backyard, but others require a professional’s touch. A professional inspector can see whether your home has a Class A fire rating, and if it doesn’t, they can help you achieve it so that another wildfire’s impact will be minimal.

Returning to your home after a wildfire is something you’ll be itching to do, but it’s a process you need to be careful with. Jumping right into your home thinking everything is fine could be dangerous, so take the necessary time to check for damage and get everything in its place. Then, you can go back to your home with peace of mind.

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