You Must Prove Your Worth Before You Can Be True Leader (1 Samuel 11)

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

City Pastor

After the Israelite had demanded that Samuel give them a new leader, a king, God choose Saul. Saul was a very handsome, tall man (Like a present world “Mr. Universe”. See the way he was described in 1 Samuel 9:2, “Most handsome man in Israel- head and shoulders taller than anyone else in the land.

But because he was from the smallest town of Israel- Benjamin, even though his father was very wealthy and influential in Israel, but because Saul was from a small town, some people looked down on him, so many refused to accept him as their king.

Now he has to prove his worth, he must prove that he was truly chosen by God for him to have a total acceptance throughout the entire country.

READ: Disobedience Is Destructive (Genesis 3)

This is what happened…

A particular tribe of Israel, Jabesh-Gilead was been threatened by a powerful king called Nahash of Ammon, the king wanted to take over their entire land and killed them, but the Jabesh-Gilead people tried to bargain with him, they asked to become slaves to him on their own land, in their own town, but the king gave them another condition to accept their proposals to be his slaves in their own town (Not funny at all!)

The condition is this- they must allow him gouge out the right eye of everyone living there, then they can now become his slaves.

In the present world you can liken that to terrorism, oppression, nepotism, corruption, etc.

READ: Dangers of Murmuring and Complaining

So, the people asked him to give them a week if they are unable to defend themselves within the time, then they will agree to his terms of gouging their right eyes off and then become his slaves.

In sadness they sent the message to their fellow Israelites in the other parts of the country… see what is happening to us o, we are in trouble, please come to our aid, or else we will become slaves in our town, with our right eyes gouged out.

When Saul who was in Gibeah heard this, he became very angry and he killed his oxen and sent pieces of it to the other towns in Israel, warning them that if they refused to go out with him to fight the terrorist king of Ammon, he would kill all their oxen.

1. Saul took his first responsibility even before he was appointed as the king. He took a very strong leadership decision. If Saul did not send the message out, no one would have come out to fight for Jabesh-Gilead and they would have become slaves with their right eyes gouged out by a notorious king in display of power.

READ: Beware of Pastors

Let’s continue…

2. The people obeyed Saul because they were afraid of his anger, and they came out together as one. So now he has the support of all his people. That is another leadership quality that Saul possessed even before he was appointed as a king.

3. He mobilized 330,000 men within a day to fight the enemies. That is another leadership ability Saul had, ability to command large followership.

4. He sent message back to the people of Jabesh-Gilead to inform them they will fight the king of Ammon.

5. The attack was successful; King Amon and his people were destroyed.

READ: The Commandments of God You MUST Keep To Be Successful

Look at this…

Then the people exclaimed “Now where are those men who said ‘why should Saul rule over us? Bring them here and we will kill them.”

He has supporters who were ready to stand by his decision and follow him, even to death. And after proving his worth Saul was made king.

1 Samuel 11: 15 “So they went to Gilgal, and in solemn ceremony before the Lord they made Saul king.

Saul got his leadership appointment by proving his leadership worth, if you must become a leader; governor, president, senator and others, you must first prove your worth, your value to the people before you are appointed or voted for!

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotation is taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation

CITY Pastor

Bible Quote: “Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O LORD, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength”. 1 Chronicles 29:11-12

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