Your Prophecy For The Week (1 Samuel 7)

City Pastor

1 Samuel 7:10-11, “Just as Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines arrived to attack Israel. But the Lord spoke with a mighty voice of thunder from heaven that day, and the Philistines were thrown into such confusion that the Israelites defeated them. The men of Israel chased them from Mizpah to a place below Beth-Car, slaughtering them all along the way”

Your prophecy:

God will speak with a mighty voice to your life and all situations in your life that is causing fear and confusion will be destroyed.

READ:  Praise God In All Situations

If you take your time to read very well 1 Samuel 7, particularly from verse 7B, the Israelites were badly frightened (that means they were deeply afraid of what will happen to them now that the Philistines were coming to attack them because the Philistines were more powerful than them.

Any situation that frustrates you is powerful than you are, any condition; be it financial, marital, spiritual, health etc that puts you under so much stress, anguish, sadness, sorrow or confusion is like the Philistines.

Now am telling you that no matter what the condition maybe, the Lord will speak in a mighty voice of thunder from heaven (1 Samuel 10:10), against all such situations and conditions. Then you will know that the Lord is your helper

In verse 12, Samuel took a large stone and placed if between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means. “The stone of help”). For he said, “up to this point the Lord has helped us!”

READ:  Be Anxious For Nothing

The Lord’s powerful hand will be raised against your enemies from today in the mighty name of Jesus; the Lord will restore to you all that has been taken from you, in Jesus name.

You will know peace from today in Jesus name, Amen!

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotation are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation

Bible Quote: “For ye know the grace of our LORD, Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich” 2 Corinthians 8:9


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