Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke lives in Orlando, Florida. He was born on August 19, 1940 in Konigsberg, East Prussia to a German Christian Evangelist.

Bonnke is the youngest son of a preacher from a small village in Northern Germany

He has been an evangelist and missionary in Africa since 1967.

The evangelist became a born again Christian at the age of nine after which he went to The Bible School of Wales in Swansea to study.

He pastored in Germany for seven years before starting his Africa missionary work in Lesotho in 1967.

Bonnke founded the international ministry of Christ For All Nations (CFAN) in 1974 with offices in Nigeria, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, South Africa, Germany, Birmingham, UK, Ontario, Canada and Florida.

Reinherd Bonnke whose Twitter profile reads; Holy Spirit Filled Soul Winner! Plundering Hell to Populate Heaven! Said he will win 20 million souls for Christ in Nigeria in 2012.

This great man of God often says he went from “Zero to Hero”. This statement is true because he is known all over the world for his great crusades in different parts of Africa where he usually win millions of people to Christ in a single meeting.

When Bonnke visited Kano in Nigeria in 1991 there was a riot outbreak in the city as Muslims protested over remarks he had reportedly made about Islam in the city of Kaduna on his way to Kano. About 8000 youths spearheaded the riot which started at the Kofar Mata Eide-ground.

One of the great miracles God had used the man of God to carry out was the man who died and came back alive during one of his services in Nigeria.

According to Reinhard Bonnke the man was hit by a car, died, already stiff and embalmed. He said the man’s wife received a vision from God while she was listening to a message preached by Reinhard Bonnke that her husband would come back alive. And she took the embalmed body to the crusade ground where unknown to the man of God the corpse came back to life as he was preaching. (Read the rest of this testimony her)

Watch Reinhard Bonnke's Video

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