Israel Releases Disturbing Photos of Babies Murdered And Burned By Hamas

Category: World News

Israel today released harrowing images of tiny babies who were murdered and burned by Hamas terrorists amid their ruthless attacks this weekend that saw hundreds of Israeli civilians including pregnant women killed in their homes.

One appalling image shows the small body of a baby, who couldn’t be more than 12 months old, lying on a now bloodied white body bag that is too large for it.

READ: Every Hamas Member Is A Dead Man – Israel’s Prime Minister Vows

The little child’s baby grow dotted with flowers is covered in blood after the rampaging terrorists unleashed horrors that defy belief.

Another two photographs released by Israel show the blackened and charred bodies of two babies who were murdered by the Hamas gunmen when they stormed their homes in southern Israel.

Their bodies are so disfigured it’s impossible to make out where their arms and legs would have been.

READ: About 1,500 Bodies of Hamas Militants Found in Israel – Army

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