My Husband Not A Magician– Remi Tinubu

Category: Nigeria News

The First Lady, Oluremi Tinubu, says her husband, President Bola Tinubu, is not a magician but is working to fix the country.

Mrs. Tinubu stated this on Sunday in Abuja during her remarks at the interdenominational church service to mark Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Anniversary, with the theme: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

She said the Tinubu administration inherited the situation on the ground but is willing to fix things without putting blame on any administration.

“All we inherited are things that had happened many years ago; we are not here to put blame on any administration but to fix what has been damaged.

“My husband is not a magician; he is going to work, and I believe and hope that we will have peace in this country; the best is yet to come to us,” she said.

She reiterated her husband’s determination to fix all that had been damaged in the country.

“Good governance can only be impactful if the people follow the example of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who embodied the fruit of the spirit, including love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance and forgiveness.

“A Nigeria of abundance has begun, and to be part of the greatness that God has started in the nation, Nigerians must look beyond their current realities and embrace hope anew,” she said.

Mrs. Tinubu also pleaded with Nigerians to celebrate the unity that defined the nation’s diversity.

“There is no challenge, obstacle or difficulty that we cannot overcome or surmount if we imbibe the nature of Christ who said in Matthew 11:28 that ‘come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’.

“In times like these, all we do is to keep our hope alive, the lively hope which Jesus Christ has birthed in us,” she said.


  1. But,during the campaign,he was making promises as if immediately he resume office,he will even do more than magician,now he choose not be magician anymore,making empty promises that you can not keep,illegitimate government, always looking for excuses

  2. Not magician till his tenure will runs out

  3. Wicked people, you know your demon husband is not a magician, why are you people promise heaven and health and spoil the God choosing president Goodluck Jonathan tenure the man who have vision for the nation. It will not end well for you and that your demon so husband for the hardship you put us to.🙏🙏🙏🙏


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