Reward of Pride (Ezekiel 28:2B)
City Pastor's Teaching

In your pride you claim, "I am god! (I am a Don, I am intelligent, I am smart, I am not touchable!) I sit on a divine throne in the heart of the sea! (I have great riches, I build beautiful houses and live in mansions and fly jets) But you are only a man and not a god (you are not perfect, you don't know anything), though you boast that you are god" Ezekiel 28:2B
A lot of people have attained a kind of height in their businesses, career, general living that they now believe that they have attained perfection in life, they say they have become dons, master and un-touchable because they are smart.
"You regard yourself as wiser than Daniel and think no secret is hidden from you. With your wisdom and understanding you have amassed great wealth- gold and silver for your treasuries." Ezekiel 28:3-4
Because of your riches you believe you are even wiser than the prophets of God, of course because you believe that you are very rich and what can be more than wealth?
"Yes, your wisdom has made you very rich (you didn't steal your riches, you are actually rich because you are hard-working, you are intelligent, and knowledgeable about businesses), and your riches have made you proud." Ezekiel 28: 5
You have become so proud because of your wealth; nobody is anything to you anymore, you use your fame and money to oppress the poor and divert justice. "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because you think you are wise as a god, I will now bring against you a foreign army (problems, heartaches, sickness, and disappointments) and terror of the nations. (Yes, when all those things attack you, people will be afraid to come near you, nor to give you assistance). They will draw their swords against your marvelous wisdom and defile your splendor!" Ezekiel 28:7
This means that your pride will lead you to an eventual end. Many people have asked me when I preach this if being rich is a sin and I have always replied that being rich is not a sin, but what we do with our wealth is what makes us either a good person or a bad person.
"Yes, your wisdom has made you very rich (you didn't steal your riches, you are actually rich because you are hard-working, you are intelligent, and knowledgeable about businesses), and your riches have made you proud." Ezekiel 28: 5
You have become so proud because of your wealth; nobody is anything to you anymore, you use your fame and money to oppress the poor and divert justice. "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because you think you are wise as a god, I will now bring against you a foreign army (problems, heartaches, sickness, and disappointments) and terror of the nations. (Yes, when all those things attack you, people will be afraid to come near you, nor to give you assistance). They will draw their swords against your marvelous wisdom and defile your splendor!" Ezekiel 28:7
This means that your pride will lead you to an eventual end. Many people have asked me when I preach this if being rich is a sin and I have always replied that being rich is not a sin, but what we do with our wealth is what makes us either a good person or a bad person.
When you become too proud because of your money God will use that same money to cause you problems such that if you refuse to repent the same problem can lead to your eventual death. And every sinner who dies goes to hell.
When you exalt yourself too much because of pride, God brings you down with all your riches. He said, "They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die in the heart of the sea, pierced with many wounds" (heart aches, sicknesses, disappointments, sorrow etc) Ezekiel 28: 8
He asked if you will still boast when you are lying sick on a hospital bed, or when you get bad news about your businesses and career. "Will you then boast, 'I am a god!' to those who kill you? To them you will be no god but merely man!" (Yes, you cannot boast to diseases that you god, because it is only God is mightier than all things either on earth or in heavens." Ezekiel 28: 9
The worst part is that if you refuse to change your ways and stop your foolish pride, the word of God says, "You will die like an outcast at the hands of foreigners (sickness, diseases, and poverty). I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!" Ezekiel 28: 10
Ask God for forgiveness this morning, pray that He have mercy on you and forgive all your sins, particularly the sins of pride. Change from your sinful ways, acknowledge God as the only Sovereign Being. Ask Him to guide your ways and save you from eternal destruction.
God bless you!
CITY Pastor

In your pride you claim, "I am god! (I am a Don, I am intelligent, I am smart, I am not touchable!) I sit on a divine throne in the heart of the sea! (I have great riches, I build beautiful houses and live in mansions and fly jets) But you are only a man and not a god (you are not perfect, you don't know anything), though you boast that you are god" Ezekiel 28:2B
A lot of people have attained a kind of height in their businesses, career, general living that they now believe that they have attained perfection in life, they say they have become dons, master and un-touchable because they are smart.
"You regard yourself as wiser than Daniel and think no secret is hidden from you. With your wisdom and understanding you have amassed great wealth- gold and silver for your treasuries." Ezekiel 28:3-4
Because of your riches you believe you are even wiser than the prophets of God, of course because you believe that you are very rich and what can be more than wealth?
What is Pride
"Yes, your wisdom has made you very rich (you didn't steal your riches, you are actually rich because you are hard-working, you are intelligent, and knowledgeable about businesses), and your riches have made you proud." Ezekiel 28: 5
You have become so proud because of your wealth; nobody is anything to you anymore, you use your fame and money to oppress the poor and divert justice. "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because you think you are wise as a god, I will now bring against you a foreign army (problems, heartaches, sickness, and disappointments) and terror of the nations. (Yes, when all those things attack you, people will be afraid to come near you, nor to give you assistance). They will draw their swords against your marvelous wisdom and defile your splendor!" Ezekiel 28:7
This means that your pride will lead you to an eventual end. Many people have asked me when I preach this if being rich is a sin and I have always replied that being rich is not a sin, but what we do with our wealth is what makes us either a good person or a bad person.
What is Pride
"Yes, your wisdom has made you very rich (you didn't steal your riches, you are actually rich because you are hard-working, you are intelligent, and knowledgeable about businesses), and your riches have made you proud." Ezekiel 28: 5
You have become so proud because of your wealth; nobody is anything to you anymore, you use your fame and money to oppress the poor and divert justice. "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because you think you are wise as a god, I will now bring against you a foreign army (problems, heartaches, sickness, and disappointments) and terror of the nations. (Yes, when all those things attack you, people will be afraid to come near you, nor to give you assistance). They will draw their swords against your marvelous wisdom and defile your splendor!" Ezekiel 28:7
This means that your pride will lead you to an eventual end. Many people have asked me when I preach this if being rich is a sin and I have always replied that being rich is not a sin, but what we do with our wealth is what makes us either a good person or a bad person.
When you become too proud because of your money God will use that same money to cause you problems such that if you refuse to repent the same problem can lead to your eventual death. And every sinner who dies goes to hell.
When you exalt yourself too much because of pride, God brings you down with all your riches. He said, "They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die in the heart of the sea, pierced with many wounds" (heart aches, sicknesses, disappointments, sorrow etc) Ezekiel 28: 8
He asked if you will still boast when you are lying sick on a hospital bed, or when you get bad news about your businesses and career. "Will you then boast, 'I am a god!' to those who kill you? To them you will be no god but merely man!" (Yes, you cannot boast to diseases that you god, because it is only God is mightier than all things either on earth or in heavens." Ezekiel 28: 9
The worst part is that if you refuse to change your ways and stop your foolish pride, the word of God says, "You will die like an outcast at the hands of foreigners (sickness, diseases, and poverty). I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!" Ezekiel 28: 10
Ask God for forgiveness this morning, pray that He have mercy on you and forgive all your sins, particularly the sins of pride. Change from your sinful ways, acknowledge God as the only Sovereign Being. Ask Him to guide your ways and save you from eternal destruction.
God bless you!
CITY Pastor
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