Only the Holy Will See God

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

Sin repeals God but holiness attracts Him. (Read Heaven and Hell is Real) to understand this concept better.

There is no way you can be living in sin and expect to see God.

Seeing God can be in two forms:

Seeing God when you have died and gone to the land beyond

Seeing God now in the things that pertains to your life.

READ: The Righteous Shall Flourish- Bishop Idahosa (Text & Video)

You know why you need to see God?

In the first category, those who see God will live with Him for eternity. While in the second category, those who see God now will be full of His blessing.

Let me illustrate this better: when you are able to see someone then you can talk to the person, right? When you are able to talk to the person then you can make requests known to him or her.

If for instance I have a close relationship with Mr. President, that means I can go to Aso-Rock at my will and even when Mr. President is so busy I will know when to arrange a meeting with him and when I eventually do I can make my requests known to him.

The same way with God; if you have a good relationship with Him you can ask Him for anything. I mean anything; cars, houses, financial breakthrough, wisdom and even children.

When you are faithful to God, He will be faithful to you.

READ: The Hypocrites and Pretenders

Please learn to wear holiness as a cloth, make sure you keep all the commandments God as given through His prophets and you can then see Him.

Matthew 5:8 says, “God blesses those whose hearts are pure for they will see God” (NLT)

A pure heart is a heart free of grudge, free of violence and iniquities.

God bless you.

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotation is taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation

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