Show Mercy To Others

Many people are cruel and wicked to others and yet they love to be shown mercy!

An armed robber who goes to a house, rape all the women in the house, kill the head of the house and steal away millions, appears before a court and pleads for mercy. Was he merciful to those poor innocent household?

A man, very rich with all the goods of life oppresses the poor man who is in need of food to eat; the rich man calls his dogs to chase the hungry man who only came to beg for a few morsels of food to eat.

Then this same rich man lands in big trouble by breaking tax-laws and he is being arraigned before a court of law and expects everyone to be merciful.

But when you show mercy to others in your daily dealings; you treat your house-help like your child, you take care of your aged-parents, you help those who are in need, and Jesus says you will be shown mercy.

Matthew 5:7, “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (NLT)

I pray that you will learn how to show mercy to others from today. Because the bible says that God blesses those who are merciful because they will be shown mercy in their business, in their career and all things that pertains to their life.

Remember the story of Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross about to die, he prayed to God to forgive those who had crucified him. He again proved the relevance of showing mercy.

May God open our eyes to know the truth of His word in Jesus name, amen.

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Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotation are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.

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