Power of the Tongue

You are a creature of value. God have deposited seeds of greatness within you. We must have a vision for total life success- family, finance, health etc
Nothing great happens by accident- it is a function of right principles applied.
There are various laws of greatness; we have talked about vision; growth- that is personal development.
Today we want to talk about the law of the tongue. The words of today are the harvest of tomorrow. We are created in the image of God and our words create or recreate our world.
Until you are able to tame your tongue you are not ready to build a great life. Everyone will eat the fruit of their sayings, its just a matter of time.
If you study Genesis, in the account of creation, the very last part.
We discover that the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
Actually, what God wanted to do was to recreate and the strategy was a spoken word. God created by speaking to the situation. He never spoke the negative circumstance, he spoke the promise, he spoke what he wanted. That is worthy of note.
Severally in that chapter, you see, “and God said”…. and God said”…. and God said”…. And the very last part, started with, “and God saw”
You are created in the image of God. What you say, you will eventually see.
All the things that God said in the beginning he eventually saw. The things you are saying today are the things you will see tomorrow- it’s the law of life.
… and God saw everything that he had made. And behold it was very good.
You make or break your destiny by the words of your mouth. We must know that little hinges swing doors.
The tongue- though a little member but boasts of many big things!
No wonder Solomon said, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”
You are either killing or making alive. You are either talking failure or success. You are either talking fame or shame.
Your words create your world. Your words recreate your world.
You are the first prophet of your life, as you name it, it will become.
We must learn to tame our tongue-careless words spoken repeatedly will eventually be experienced. Words are seeds.
I remember the words of John, and he said;
“And the word was made flesh”
Words of today will become real tomorrow, words are seeds and are awaiting harvest, what are you saying about your health?
What are you saying about your finance?
What are you saying about your husband, your wife, and your children?
I remember several years ago, I put together some confessions about my life. The things said years ago are the things am drinking from today. I have been saying it for more than a decade;
“Better days are ahead of me- I have a future and I have a hope. I overcome every challenge and am getting better, am getting brighter, am blessed to be a blessing. I am a blessing, I am not a burden.
What are you saying? What are you saying about yourself? What are you saying about this week?
This is a new week for instance, what are you saying about the week?
You are a victor not a victim, you are blessing not a burden, you are full of wisdom.
Whatever crisis you are facing now, you can begin to speak to the week and say, “I have wisdom to overcome these crises.
What are you saying about your body? Are you tired of life? Don’t say you are tired of life. God never spoke the circumstance, he spoke the promise. Don’t speak the negative circumstance, speak what you want, what you want to experience, so speak to your career right now, speak to your family right now, and speak about your future right now. The things you are speaking now are the things you will drink from tomorrow.
You are the sum total of the things you have been saying or refused to say. Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Some parents out of ignorance are destroying their children by speaking curse words over them. These words spoken repeatedly over these kids can affect their destinies or their future- we must change!
Certain words should be far from your tongue.
I have heard some friends curse each other all in the name of friendship and nicknaming. Words like “Oloshi” – in the Yoruba parlance is not too good at all- “Oloshi” simply means “carrier of decayed life”- do you want that? I don’t think so!
If you use such words over your kids or friends, you are cursing them. Learn to tame your tongue. Or these other words like “Oloriburuku” in Yoruba parlance means, “Bad Head”, who wants a bad head? Or “Ori e ko pe” which people just say- that is, “your head is not correct”
I remember the story of a group of people traveling and someone abused the driver saying; “Ori e ko pe”- that is in Yoruba parlance- your head is not correct, and the driver replied, “I hope you know that if my head is not correct, we are all not save.
Idle words can kill, all those idle words we use like, “you dey craze”- that is “are you mad?”- Madness! Do you want that? Or the “Ori e foka si be”- that is scattered brain, I don’t think any of us will want that in our lives. We must tame our tongues, we must speak decently, we must be careful with the words we use, because the words of today are the harvest of tomorrow.
Medical researches have also found out that the speech center in the brain rule over all the nerves-wow!
That is fantastic! The speech center rule over all the nerves. That is, anything you say, all the other nerves will respond to it. Your words rule your life. What you call your destiny is what it will become.
What you call your wife, your husband, your children- they are the things they will reflect.
Change your word and change your world.
Several years ago I adopted a series of words about every areas of my life like I said earlier and today I am seeing the fruits and I am still saying them.
Because the things you say now you will see tomorrow. The ones we spoke about yesterday are the ones we are seeing now.
I want you to recite a portion of this confessions adopted from Zig Ziglar’s book;
I …..your name….. I am honest, intelligent, responsible, organized, goal-setting, committed individual, whose priority are firmly in place, I am a focused, disciplined, enthusiastic, covenant-thinking, decisive, extra miller, who is competent, energetic, self reliant, star-thinking player and I am determined to develop all of these leadership qualities in my personal, family and career.
These are the qualities of the winner I was born to be.
That’s loaded. I pray these words become your experience. You must say it again and again. What you say now repeatedly are the things you will experience.
You are destined for greatness, achieve greatness! God bless!
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